बहुत पहले की बात है धरमपुर राज्य में एक राजा राज्य किया करता था । उसके कोई सन्तान नहीं थी ।
इसलिए वह पूजा ,यज्ञ ,दान और पुण्य किया करता था । एक दिन उसके दीवान ने राजा को परामर्श दिया कि उन्हें देवी माता के मन्दिर का निर्माण करवाना चाहिए । राजा दिवान की बात मानकर मन्दिर बनाने की आज्ञा देता है । कुछ दिनों बाद मंदिर बन जाता है और लोग मन्दिर की पूजा -अर्चना करने लगते हैं ।
यह देखकर माता राजा से प्रसन्न हो जाती है और उसके सामने प्रकट होती है और कहती है ।
हे राजन "मै तुमसे बहुत प्रसन्न हूँ जो चाहे मांग लो ।
राजा बोला " हे माते मेरे पास आपका दिया हुआ सब कुछ है बस संतान नहीं है इसलिय मुझे सन्तान प्राप्ति का आशीर्वाद दीजिय ।
माता ने कहा 'हे राजन तुम्हारे यहां सुरवीर संतान होगी । यह कहकर माता चली गई ।
कुछ समय के बाद राजा की यहां एक बालक का जन्म हुआ । वह अत्यंत सुंदर था ।
घीरे -धीरे समय निकलता गया और राजकुमार २२ साल के हो गए ।
वह एक दिन दिवान के बेटे के साथ शिकार खेलने गए थे शिकार खेलते -खेलते वह उसी मन्दिर के पास पहुंच गए । राजकुमार ने सोचा चलो माता को प्रणाम कर लेते है जैसे ही सर छुकाया उन्हें पड़ोसी राज्य की राजकुमारी को जाते हुए देखा 'देखते ही राजकुमारी पर मोहित हो गया और माता से बोला अगर इस राजकुमारी से मेरा विवाह करा दो तो मै अपना सर चढ़ाउंगा यह कहकर वहाँ से चला गया ।
राजमहल में आकर राजकुमार उदास रहने लगा । एक दिन राजा की नजर उस पड़ी और देखा की राजकुमार चिंतित है
फिर राजा ने तुरंत दिवान के बेटे को बुलाया और राजकुमार के चिंतित होने का कारण पूछा
दिवान के बेटे ने सारी बात बता दी । राजा तुरंत जाकर राजकुमार का रिश्ता पक्का कर देते है ।
धीरे -धीरे समय निकलता गया और राजकुमार की शादी को एक -दो साल हो गए ।
एक दिन राजकुमार के मन में आता है की राज्य घुमा जए तब उसने अपने मित्र को बुलाया और राज्य घूमने निकल पड़े साथ में राजकुमारी को भी ले लिया ।
राज्य का भ्रमण करते -करते वह मंदिर के पास से होकर गुजर रहे थे । तभी अचानक राजकुमार को अपना वचन याद आया तब उसने अपने मित्र एव राजकुमारी से कहा तुम ठहरो मै अभी मंदिर से आ रहा हूँ यह कहकर मंदिर में जा पहुंचा । और उसने तलवार निकली फिर अपना सिर धड़ से अलग कर दिया ।
काफी समय होने के बाद जब राजकुमार नहीं पहुंचा तो दिवान का बेटा राजकुमार की खोज में मंदिर की ओर निकला । जब मंदिर पहुंचा तो उसने देखा कि राजकुमार का सर धड़ से अलग पड़ा है ।
दिवान के बेटे सोचा अगर मै यहां से जिंदा जाऊंगा लोग सोचे की राजकुमारी के खातिर मैने हत्या कर दी है
उसने अपनी तलवार निकली और सर धड़ से अलग कर दिया ।
जब राजकुमार और दिवान का लड़का नहीं पहुंचा तो राजकुमारी उन्हें ढूढ़ने मंदिर की ओर चल पड़ी
और मंदिर में जाकर देखती है कि राजकुमार और दिवान के बेटे का सिर धड़ से अलग पड़ा है ।
वह सोचने लगी लोग क्या सोचेगे कि दोनों मित्र मेरे खातिर एक -दूसरे का सर काट दिया इसलिए मेरा मर जाना ठीक है उसने जैसे ही तलवार उठाई देवी माता प्रकट हो गई । और बोली तुम क्यों मरना चाहती हो
राजकुमारी ने सारी बात बता दी ।
माता बोली इनके सर इनके शरीर से लगा दो मै इन्हे जीवित कर देती हु ।
राजकुमारी ने घबराहट में राजकुमार का सिर दिवान के बेटे को और उसका सिर राजकुमार को लगाते ही दोनों जीवित हो गए और आपस में लड़ने लए ।राजकुमार बोला यह स्त्री मेरी है मित्र कहता है की स्त्री मेरी है ।
बेताल बोला अब बताओ ,राजन स्त्री का पति कौन ।
विक्रम ने कहा ,नदियों में गंगा उत्तम है ,पर्वत में सुमेरु ,वृक्षों में कल्पवृक्ष और उसी प्रकार अंगो में सिर ।
इसलिए बेताल जिस शरीर पर पति का सिर लगा होगा वही उसका पति होगा ।
बेताल बोला राजन मै चला ।
फिर मिलेंगे दूसरी कहानी के साथ
राजकुमारी ने सारी बात बता दी ।
माता बोली इनके सर इनके शरीर से लगा दो मै इन्हे जीवित कर देती हु ।
राजकुमारी ने घबराहट में राजकुमार का सिर दिवान के बेटे को और उसका सिर राजकुमार को लगाते ही दोनों जीवित हो गए और आपस में लड़ने लए ।राजकुमार बोला यह स्त्री मेरी है मित्र कहता है की स्त्री मेरी है ।
बेताल बोला अब बताओ ,राजन स्त्री का पति कौन ।
विक्रम ने कहा ,नदियों में गंगा उत्तम है ,पर्वत में सुमेरु ,वृक्षों में कल्पवृक्ष और उसी प्रकार अंगो में सिर ।
इसलिए बेताल जिस शरीर पर पति का सिर लगा होगा वही उसका पति होगा ।
बेताल बोला राजन मै चला ।

English Translate-
Betal said, O Rajan
Long ago, a king used to rule in Dharampur state. He had no children.
Therefore he used to do puja, yajna, donation and charity. One day his diwan advised the king that he should get the goddess mother's temple constructed. The king obeys the divine order and orders to build a temple. A few days later the temple is built and people start worshiping the temple.
Seeing this, the mother is pleased with the king and appears in front of him and says.
Hey Rajan "I am very happy with you and ask for whatever you want.
The king said, "O mother, I have everything given to you, just do not have children, so bless me to have children."
Mother said, 'O Rajan, you will have survir children here. Mother went away saying this.
After some time, a child was born to the king. He was very beautiful.
Time passed by and the prince became 22 years old.
He went to hunt with Divan's son one day and while playing hunting, he reached the same temple. The prince thought, "Let's bow down to the mother. As soon as Sir touches her, she sees the princess of the neighboring kingdom going away." I was fascinated by the princess and said to my mother if I marry this princess, I will offer my head Departed from there
The prince started feeling sad after coming to the palace. One day the king looked at him and saw that the prince is worried
Then the king immediately called Divan's son and asked the prince's reason for being worried.
Divan's son told the whole thing. The king immediately confirms the prince's relationship.
Gradually time passed and the prince's marriage took two-two years.
One day the prince comes to mind that when the kingdom is rotated, he calls his friend and goes out to roam the kingdom and also takes the princess.
While traveling the state, he was passing through the temple. Then suddenly the prince remembered his word, then he said to his friend and princess, "You stay here, saying that I am coming from the temple and reached the temple." And he came out with a sword and then beheaded.
After a long time when the prince did not arrive, Divan's son set out towards the temple in search of the prince. When he reached the temple, he saw that the prince's head was lying apart.
Divan's son thought if I go alive from here, I have killed for the sake of the princess.
He took out his sword and severed it from the head.
When the prince and the boy of Divan did not arrive, the princess walked towards the temple to find them.
And going to the temple, she sees that the prince and the son of Divan are beheaded.
She started thinking what people would think that both friends cut each other's head for my sake, so it is okay for me to die. Goddess Mother appeared as soon as she lifted the sword. And why do you want to die
The princess told the whole thing.
Mother said, attach his head to their body, I make them alive.
The princess, in a panic, put the head of the prince to the son of Divan and his head to the prince, both of them came alive and had to fight among themselves. Rajkumar said this woman is mine, friend says that the woman is mine.
Betal said now, who is the husband of Rajan woman.
Vikram said, Ganges is best in rivers, Sumeru in the mountain, Kalpavriksha in trees and head in the same way.
Therefore, the body on which the husband's head is placed will be his husband.
Betal said, I went to Rajan.
See you again with another story
Thank you
Betal said, O Rajan
Long ago, a king used to rule in Dharampur state. He had no children.
Therefore he used to do puja, yajna, donation and charity. One day his diwan advised the king that he should get the goddess mother's temple constructed. The king obeys the divine order and orders to build a temple. A few days later the temple is built and people start worshiping the temple.
Seeing this, the mother is pleased with the king and appears in front of him and says.
Hey Rajan "I am very happy with you and ask for whatever you want.
The king said, "O mother, I have everything given to you, just do not have children, so bless me to have children."
Mother said, 'O Rajan, you will have survir children here. Mother went away saying this.
After some time, a child was born to the king. He was very beautiful.
Time passed by and the prince became 22 years old.
He went to hunt with Divan's son one day and while playing hunting, he reached the same temple. The prince thought, "Let's bow down to the mother. As soon as Sir touches her, she sees the princess of the neighboring kingdom going away." I was fascinated by the princess and said to my mother if I marry this princess, I will offer my head Departed from there
The prince started feeling sad after coming to the palace. One day the king looked at him and saw that the prince is worried
Then the king immediately called Divan's son and asked the prince's reason for being worried.
Divan's son told the whole thing. The king immediately confirms the prince's relationship.
Gradually time passed and the prince's marriage took two-two years.
One day the prince comes to mind that when the kingdom is rotated, he calls his friend and goes out to roam the kingdom and also takes the princess.
While traveling the state, he was passing through the temple. Then suddenly the prince remembered his word, then he said to his friend and princess, "You stay here, saying that I am coming from the temple and reached the temple." And he came out with a sword and then beheaded.
After a long time when the prince did not arrive, Divan's son set out towards the temple in search of the prince. When he reached the temple, he saw that the prince's head was lying apart.
Divan's son thought if I go alive from here, I have killed for the sake of the princess.
He took out his sword and severed it from the head.
When the prince and the boy of Divan did not arrive, the princess walked towards the temple to find them.
And going to the temple, she sees that the prince and the son of Divan are beheaded.
She started thinking what people would think that both friends cut each other's head for my sake, so it is okay for me to die. Goddess Mother appeared as soon as she lifted the sword. And why do you want to die
The princess told the whole thing.
Mother said, attach his head to their body, I make them alive.
The princess, in a panic, put the head of the prince to the son of Divan and his head to the prince, both of them came alive and had to fight among themselves. Rajkumar said this woman is mine, friend says that the woman is mine.
Betal said now, who is the husband of Rajan woman.
Vikram said, Ganges is best in rivers, Sumeru in the mountain, Kalpavriksha in trees and head in the same way.
Therefore, the body on which the husband's head is placed will be his husband.
Betal said, I went to Rajan.
See you again with another story
Thank you
स्त्री का पति कौन
Reviewed by S.K. Kumar
May 08, 2020

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